Tea Writings

A blog about tea from the desk of Cecilia Tan


Welcome to teawritings.ceciliatan.com, Cecilia Tan’s tea blog!

This blog is a journey through the world of tea. From the daily tea I drink as I write and create, to special tea events I attend, my trips to tea houses, tea websites I visit and order from, books on tea I read, and more. Once I started thinking about the way tea is entwined in human culture, and in my daily life, I realized there will be no shortage of things for me to write about here and launched the blog.

If you would like to send me a tea to taste and review, or a book on tea to be reviewed, you may send to:
Tea Writings
c/o C. Tan
39 Hurlbut St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

I can also be reached by email at ctan.writer AT gmail DOT com.

If you love tea too and would like to recommend a tea I should taste, tea house I should visit, or tea supplier I should look into, enthuse about tea with me, point me at a tea website I should check out, or whatever else, please comment at the Suggestion Box!


Special thanks to corwin for help with the WordPress install.

Special mention also to Lainie Sips, the blog on tea that inspired me to start this one.

teawritings.ceciliatan.com was built with WordPress 2.7. The theme is called Prosumer by WP GPL, with colors and images changed by yours truly. I changed the colors painstakingly by hand, then discovered the plugin called Theme Tweaker by Unreal.

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