Tea Writings

A blog about tea from the desk of Cecilia Tan

The mellowness of vanilla

May 07, 2009 By: ctan Category: Tea Reviews

The majority of the vanilla teas I have had are black teas. Both in canned varieties from the Chinatown grocery stores (usually in an oval pink can) and the gourmet flavored teas (like the Mighty Leaf Orange Dulce seem to always mix vanilla with black.

Indeed, one of my favorite recent acquisitions is a black vanilla jasmine from Tealuxe. A friend gave it to me in a sampler pack for my birthday, and not only is the idea of black jasmine a revelation, but the mixture of vanilla with the jasmine makes one of the most incredibly mellow cups ever. Jasmine can sometimes be sharp or the perfume can turn bitter, but not when vanilla is rounding everything out like a white puffy cloud in a blue sky. Read the rest of this entry →

This is a blog about tea

May 06, 2009 By: ctan Category: Tea Musings

Caffeinated, uncaffeinated, chinese, indian, english, green, black, white, red, herbal, medicinal, high, low, cream, oolong, sencha, dragonwell, keemun, darjeeling, scented, mint, steeped, strained, iced, made in a gaiwan, from taiwan, jasmine pearl, a grey earl, in a cup, that’s what’s up.